Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jessica Lange

Jessica Lange is a well known actress in the U.S., but as little people know, she is also a photographer. I absolutely love Jessica Lange's photographs because they are so beautifully romantic. They have such a sense of atmosphere as well as emotion. These images are delicate while being powerful at the same time. The photograph above stirs up feelings of loving, warmth, and poetry. This image is captured at exactly the perfect moment. This is how the rest of her photographs are, which really helps the viewer to engage in the scene.

This engagement is also what makes these photographs so strong. She takes these pictures as though she is a fly on the wall, but you still feel engaged because there is an exchange between the photographer and the subject. She is simply an anonymous observer, but the pictures still seem personal.

Her acting background also lends a very cinematic quality to her work. This is the atmosphere, dramatic lighting, and specific moments in time that look like they could be from a film still. I love these images because they look like stills from an old romantic movie that I would really like to see.

Evelyn Hofer

Evelyn Hofer is a black and white photographer (she worked with color some) whose work spanned from 1946 to 1998.
One word I thought of when I first viewed her photography was "quiet". As you can see from the photographs above, all of her subjects seem so still. Her images are classical, cool, and calm. They seem to be completely immobile, but also very permanent. She monumentalizes the subjects in her photographs. She uses light and balance in her composition. They are serious and direct, but they also have a sly quality. Its almost as though the two housekeepers in the image above have a secret. They are also standing so statuesque, something that you would see in a portrait of someone in an upper class.
What is interesting to me about her work is that she chose to photograph people of the working class. By photographing them and monumentalizing them, she gave them importance and regard.

Blog 6

"Will I Ever Know What It Means to Be Chinese"

Thomas Holton is an American born photographer from Manhattan, New York. His heritage is that he is half-Chinese, his American, New-York based photographer father married his mother after he met her in Taiwan, and then he moved his family back to New York. Although Holton grew up in Manhattan, his grandparents lived in Chinatown. He was half-Chinese, but he still felt like a visitor in Chinatown. This is what motivated his series "The Lams of Ludlow Street".

Holton moved in with a Chinese family that lived in Chinatown called the Lams. He soon became a part of the household as he photographed the family going ahead with their daily lives. He would even accompany the family on trips. With these photographs, he was documenting their lives. All of the pictures are candid, and this gives them a reality that wouldn't exist if they would've been posed. These photographs perfectly capture the essense of the subkects as well as their relationship to each other and their surroundings.

What really drew me to these photographs is how intimate they are. This is what really gives them meaning. Its like I'm getting a secret look into this family's lives behind closed doors.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Blog Entry 3

Photography by Jay Defeo

Jay Defeo worked with black and white photography as well as with painting and drawing. What really drew me to her work was that I could really see the connection between drawing and painting in her photographs. She often photographed what she had drawn and then used these photographs as a basis for other drawings. She referred to this as "transplanting an image".
She worked on her black and white photographs from 1969 to 1976. All of her images were very intimate in size. Most were smaller than eight by ten and some were even as small as 3 by four inches. Her images have familiar shapes and the same smooth quality. The lines and undulating forms seem to radiate from a center.
She loved to experiment. None of her subjects fit into a traditional genre. They could be considered "still lifes", but they are a whole lot more than that. To me, these objects are more about form and tone. Defeo used her camera as a visual journal. She didn't document her subject in traditional ways, but more as abstractions of different shapes and tones. Images of plants make up about a quarter of her work. She worked with simple objects, and very often natural, mostly plants. She often photographed roses, like in the photograph above called "The Rose".
In the darkroom, she had a lot of technical talent. She often made multiple prints from a negative. Each different print she would differentiate the tonalities, contrast, and cropping. When photographing, Defeo would create variations by walking around a subject to get different perspectives at different times of the day and even on different days. She was very interested in the visual idea and the classical form. This is why I love her photographs so much. I love the idea of taking something so simple as a leaf on a plant and manipulating it to become something so beautiful.